Updated October 24th 2024
First Annual Poughkeepsie Winter Tournament Rules 2025
GAME MATCHES: All games throughout the tournament will be started / stopped on the sound of the horn. Goals scored on plays in motion when the horn ends the match will count. The tournament timekeeper will be responsible for keeping the times for all games.
REGISTRATION: Each coach must register at least 30 minutes prior to their first game. A roster, player passes/club passes and medical release forms will be required at Check-in.
GUEST PLAYERS: Up to 3 guest players are allowed on a team. The coach must have the player pass for the guest player and the player must be on the roster that the coach submitted. The coach must present a signed guest player form from their league organization at the time of registration.
Guest players from the same club are unlimited provided the guest players have guest player release forms and the guests are not playing for another team in the same tournament. No player can be rostered on more than 1 team in this tournament unless approved in advance.
SOCCER FIELDS: Pets, alcoholic beverages, the smoking of tobacco products, and barbeques/stoves are strictly prohibited on the grounds. Pets should not be brought to the field.
LIABILITY: Teams participate in the tournament at their own risk. TOPSC, the TOPSC Tournament Committee and the Town of Poughkeepsie cannot and do not accept liability for any injuries that may occur as a consequence of playing in the tournament. The act of participation by a team, player, coach, parent and/or spectator is a release by them of any and all claims against TOPSC, its members and/or the Town of Poughkeepsie.
ELIGIBILITY CHALLENGES: A coach may challenge the eligibility of a player by notifying the Referee prior to game conclusion so that the players name and number can be recorded on the scorecard. The tournament committee will then rule on eligibility. Any team using an ineligible player forfeits any game in which that player has participated and the appropriate League and State Associations will be notified.
PROTESTS: Protests must be submitted in writing by the registered team coach with a $50.00 cash fee the same day as the event. All decisions of the Tournament Committee are final. The fee will be refunded if the protest is upheld.
FORFEITS: If a team is not on the field ready to start a match within 10 minutes of game time, they forfeit the match and the opposing team receives credit for a 3 - 0 victory. No points are awarded if both teams forfeit. If an accepted team fails to appear at the tournament, there are no refunds and all games are forfeited.
DISQUALIFICATION: Any team leaving the field prior to completion of a match is disqualified for the remainder of the tournament. The remainder of their schedule will be recorded as forfeits.
First and second place teams from each division U8-U12 will receive trophies and division
U13 and above will receive either trophies or t-shirts.
STANDINGS: All divisions are round robin play, except where the number of teams dictates otherwise. Standings are determined on a point system. Teams receive 3 points for a win, 1 point for a tie and 0 points for loss. No points are deducted for cards issued.
Tie breakers:
1. Head to head,
2. Most wins,
3. Most shutouts,
4. Goals against,
5. Goal differential ( max 3)
6. Penalty shootout.
If a Bracket has a Consolation Game and/or a Championship Game, the Tie Breaker Rules are not used.
If the championship game is tied, the teams shall bypass overtime periods and go straight to kicks from the penalty mark. All players shall be eligible to take kicks regardless of whether they were on the field of play at the end of the game however they all need to be rostered. After five kicks have been taken by both teams and no winner has emerged, all remaining eligible players on both teams (subject to the 'reduce to equate numbers’ requirement) must kick before any players are allowed to kick a second time. The winner is declared on who wins the Penalty Shootout.
All scores and rankings will be maintained at the Tournament HeadQuarters Tent at each venue and logged into GotSport. Scores that are posted by, and rankings that are electronically calculated by GotSport, are for the convenience of the players, coaches and parents. In the case where there are discrepancies between those scores and rankings posted on the official scoreboard the scores recorded on the official scoreboard shall take precedence. Scores may also be viewed on the GotSport app. The Tournament Director shall endeavor to make corrections to GotSport in the case of any discrepancies.
LAWS OF THE GAME: FIFA Rules are used with the following exceptions:
Law I - Start and Stop for each game will be signaled by the air horn. No Stoppage time added for any reason.
Law II - divisions U8 through U12 will use a size 4 ball, U13 and above will use a size 5 ball
Law III - Micro divisions (U8 through U12) must have at least five players to start a match. Substitutions at any time WITH PERMISSION OF THE REFEREE. The substitute must enter the field at the half line after the player s/he replaces has left the field.
Law IV - Both teams must have available alternate jerseys . In case of conflicts, the home team will change colors.
Law V. Referee: The tournament timekeeper will be responsible for time and will use the air horn to start and stop all games.
Law VI. - A three man system will be used in U13 and above divisions.
Law VII - All games will be 25 minutes.
Law VIII - The home team (listed first) will kick off, the visiting team will get choice of goal.
Law IX - Red cards may result in the player being ineligible for the next game or the remainder of the tournament at the discretion of the Tournament Director.
PARKING RULES: The TOPSC will have parking attendants directing everyone to legal parking areas. Handicap parking is available to those with valid handicap parking permits down by the field.
WEATHER: Games will be played rain or shine except for severe weather or lightning. Games are considered complete after 15 minutes. If a game is halted before 15 minutes have elapsed, the Tournament Committee will decide the course of action. The Tournament time keeper is the sole authority of time played. In case of cancellation due to severe weather conditions, the Tournament Committee reserves the right to reschedule or offer other alternatives.
SEVERE WEATHER: In the event of severe weather, the tournament committee will rely on the head referee to assess field conditions and will abide by the head referee's decision on continuing play. Two horn sounds, bad weather and everyone must leave the field. Three horn sound, everyone can return to the field.
MAKE UP DAY: In the event that either Saturday (10/12/2024) or Sunday (10/13/2024) is canceled due to unforeseen circumstances, we will follow the Refund Policy. We will make every attempt to play the games as scheduled.
REFUND POLICY: In the event that the tournament (either or both days) is canceled by the head referee, tournament director or the town, 80% will be refunded
SPECIAL MICRO SOCCER RULES: Micro soccer divisions will play on fields sized as per U S Youth Soccer guidelines. U8, U9, U10 and U11 and
12 will play on a field with 7x21 goals which is 70-80 yards long by 40-50 yards wide. U8, U9 and U10 will play 6 + keeper and U11 and 12 will play 8 + keeper, U13 and older, 10 and a keeper. Roster Size: U8 –U10 is 14, U11-U12 is 16 and U13 + is 18.
SPECIAL NOTE: No player will be allowed to wear any orthopedic cast during games unless fully bubble wrapped.
If something is not covered here, EHYSL and ENYYSA rules apply.
PROPERTY DAMAGE: It is essential that the town’s properties, facilities and neighboring private property be respected. Teams will be required to pay for any property damage caused by their team.
HEAD INJURIES: Trainers certified in concussion management of orthopedic doctors will be used to evaluate any head injuries that might be concussions. Injured players will exit the game and will not be permitted to re-enter any game in the tournament unless re-entry is certified by a doctor in writing.
SPORTSMANSHIP: Players, coaches, managers and supporters are expected to conduct themselves within the spirit of good sportsmanship at all times. Those failing to meet acceptable standards will be ejected from the grounds.
The Town of Poughkeepsie Soccer Club Inc. and the Town of Poughkeepsie assume no responsibility for any injury resulting from participation in this tournament. By accepting these rules and procedures, all participating clubs and players indicated that they carry their own insurance and will hold harmless the TOPSC, its members and the Town of Poughkeepsie.