Fields are Open for Practices - First Travel Games 9/9

Post date: Aug 31, 2012 12:42:23 AM

Note from our President ...

It has come to my attention that a number of you have had concerns regarding the status of Greenvale field and whether the club is fully prepared for the upcoming soccer season.

I would like to provide all of you with an update on this matter:

1.    The Town has arranged with it's landscaping contractor to mow the grass on Wednesday's or Thursday's.  As an FYI, the grass was mowed today (Thursday).

2.    During the month of June, the Town completed fertilizing the entire Greenvale fields.  The Town was instrumental in using the services of Cornell Cooperative (a free service) that provided us with results of soil samples so that we could chose the correct fertilizer to spread.

3.    This week, the Town airated the entire Greenvale fields and also completed seeding the entire field.

4.    Either Tuesday or Wednesday of next week, the Town will begin the process of lining each of the fields and having goals in place.

5.    Each of the goals for U7 and above, will be anchored into the ground (sand bags will no longer be used).  The anchoring of goals will serve two purposes.  First, it will prevent anyone from moving goals and thus damaging them.  Second, it will now put the club in compliance with USSF guidelines, which state that all goals must be anchored into the ground.  U6 goals will continue to use sandbags for weighting purposes.

In the coming days, you should be receiving an email or phone call from the coach of your child's team with information regarding practices and matches.  Our current schedule is for the intramural season to start on Saturday, September 15, 2012.  For travel, the season is scheduled to begin on Sunday, September 9, 2012.

As always, if you ever have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me or any of the club Board members.

Thanks and enjoy the Fall soccer season


President - Town of Poughkeepsie Soccer Club