U7 Parent Information
Basic Fundamentals of Soccer
Out of Bounds
Throw ins
Proper kicking
Field position
Wall Pass
Foot work
Shin Guards (must wear under socks at practice & games)
Soccer cleats (optional but recommended)
Size 3 Ball
Uniform (to be provided)
Drink / Sun Screen
Time determined by coach.
Be on time
Coach will notify of game or practice cancellations
Parents must stay at practice unless other arrangements are made. It is not the coach’s responsibility to watch your children.
Bring ball, shin guards and something to Drink, Sun Screen if applicable
Encourage active participation from parents
Schedule provided (Games on Saturday)
Games will be refereed
Players should have a chance to play all positions in practice and games
No player should be forced to play goalie if they don’t want to.
No Parents behind Goals
Parents must stay at games unless other arrangements are made. It is not the coach's responsibility to watch your children
Make up games during the week scheduled between the coaches. Home coach responsible for obtaining a referee from Referee Coordinator to insure you have your game refereed.
Player must wear proper uniform (jersey must be tucked in, Shoes, Socks and Shin Guards. Shin Guards must be under Socks.
NO JEWERLY will be allowed by the Referees
Referees are to be respected by players, coaches and parents.
Treating other players the way they would like to be treated
Shake hands at the end of the game